Starting a Book Club: The Ultimate Social Vibe

starting a book club

Get tips on choosing the right books, hosting memorable meet-ups, and building a vibrant community with our guide to starting a book club.

Alright, let’s get into something totally underrated but potentially life-changing—starting a book club. I know what you’re thinking: isn’t that something our moms did? But trust me, it’s the perfect way to mix intellectual growth with some seriously good vibes.

This isn’t just about reading; it’s about creating an experience, a vibe, and a space where you and your friends can connect on a whole new level.

Why Start a Book Club?

Let’s be real—life gets busy. Between work, school, and social media, it can be hard to find time for meaningful connections. Starting a book club is the ultimate hack for staying close with your besties while also levelling up your mind.

Plus, it gives you an excuse to set aside some “me time” with a book in hand, and we all need more of that, right?

Who to Invite?

Think about your circle—who are the people you vibe with the most? Your book club doesn’t have to be huge; in fact, smaller is sometimes better. Aim for a group of 5-8 people.

This way, everyone gets a chance to share their thoughts, and the conversation stays intimate and engaging.

Invite friends who are open-minded and down for some deep convos. It’s totally okay if they aren’t all bookworms; the mix of perspectives is what will make your discussions pop.

Where to Have It?

Location, location, location—it’s everything! You want your book club meetings to feel cozy and welcoming, like your favourite hangout spot. If you’re keeping it casual, hosting at someone’s apartment with a living room full of comfy seating is perfect.

Add some mood lighting, throw pillows, and maybe even a cute blanket or two. If you want to switch it up, consider meeting at a chic café or even a local park when the weather’s nice. The key is to create a space where everyone feels relaxed and ready to chat.

What to Read?

Now, the fun part—choosing what to read! You want to pick books that will spark conversation and maybe even push you out of your comfort zone. Since you’re starting the club, take the lead on the first pick, but be sure to get input from the group for future selections.

Think about mixing it up with different genres—maybe one month it’s a juicy novel, the next a thought-provoking non-fiction, and then a self-improvement book that gets everyone reflecting. For some inspo, check out the complete list of all 106 books in Oprah’s Book Club.

What to Serve?

Let’s be honest, food and drinks are just as important as the book. Keep the snacks light and fun—think charcuterie boards, popcorn, or even themed treats that match the book’s vibe.

For drinks, you can’t go wrong with a selection of teas, coffee, and maybe a bottle of wine or some bubbly for a little extra flair. If you’re feeling creative, try crafting a signature cocktail or mocktail inspired by the book’s setting or characters.

It’s those little touches that make the evening feel special and memorable.

Pros and Cons of Starting a Book Club

Starting a book club comes with a lot of perks. It’s a way to stay intellectually engaged while bonding with your friends. You’ll get exposed to new ideas and perspectives, which is super important in our always-connected world.

Plus, it’s a great way to hold yourself accountable for reading more, especially if that’s something you’ve been wanting to do.

But, let’s keep it real—there can be challenges too. Coordinating schedules can be tricky, and there’s always the chance someone might not finish the book (or even start it). But don’t stress. The key is to keep the atmosphere low-pressure. It’s more about the connection than the completion.

If someone didn’t finish the book, that’s okay—let them join in on the discussion anyway. And if the group vibe isn’t clicking, you can always switch things up until you find the right balance.

Final Thoughts

Starting a book club is like curating your own little world of intellectual and social engagement. It’s the perfect blend of hanging out with your crew, diving into meaningful discussions, and expanding your horizons one book at a time.

Plus, it’s a seriously chic way to spend your free time—imagine the Insta-worthy moments! So, what are you waiting for?

Get your friends together, pick your first book, and let the good times (and deep convos) roll. Trust me, this is one trend you’ll want to jump on.

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