10 Questions with Preeti Luthra, CEO, Pure & Cimple

Preeti Luthra

While most of us were panic-stricken during the pandemic, Preeti Luthra was out founding her company, Pure & Cimple, an all-natural skincare line.

While most of us were panic-stricken, confused and living in fear during the early days of the pandemic and ensuing lockdown, Preeti Luthra was out founding a company.

In June 2020, Preeti founded Pure & Cimple, an organic, homemade and all-natural skincare line.

Pure & Cimple uses all-natural ingredients, but unlike other eco-friendly brands, these products are very effective on the skin, nourishing it with active and specialist ingredients. Mixing the right components together to create an optimal skincare routine is what Pure & Cimple has become renowned for.

All of Pure & Cimple’s products are delivered in a reusable cardboard box. The company also supports the Plastic Bank charity by donating the same amount as their annual plastic footprint to fund the collection of plastic waste.

By doing this, Pure & Cimple is helping to build ethical recycling ecosystems in coastal communities while also helping local communities build a better life.

With a background in science and tech, Preeti always had such a deep passion for looking after skin and discovering the ingredients needed to make an effective difference.

The pandemic gave Preeti the opportunity to develop her passion for skincare into a business. Please enjoy 10 Questions with Preeti Luthra, CEO, Pure & Cimple.

Pure and Cimple
1. What is your business about?

Pure & Cimple is an organic and natural skincare line residing in the scenic town of Windsor, UK! We celebrate healthy skin and aim to break the unrealistic obsession with perfection and redefine beauty by empowering women with the confidence that healthy skin is beautiful skin.

At Pure & Cimple, we capture science and nature in harmony so that your skin can benefit from this amalgam. Pure Ingredients and simple formulations are the core values of our brand.

“We celebrate healthy skin and aim to break the unrealistic obsession with perfection and redefine beauty by empowering women with the confidence that healthy skin is beautiful skin.”

2. What motivated you to start your business?

Being born with sensitive skin, I struggled hard to find products for my skin that were gentle enough for my sensitive skin and at the same time contain the ingredients that can benefit the skin in the long run.

My skin was reacting badly to the mainstream beauty products, and I was highly dissatisfied with options available in the market, be it natural products or conventional high street brands.

All through my teenage and work life, as a science student with a keen interest in skincare, I started to create formulas for myself and my friends and family to solve their skin issues.

Documenting the effects of different natural ingredients and their results on diverse skin conditions was my ‘infectious passion’.

The global pandemic afforded me the opportunity to develop my passion for skincare into a business idea. Equipped with expert training and with hands-on experience backed by invaluable user data and research helped me set the foundation for Pure & Cimple.

3. What’s the biggest thing you struggle with as a founder?

There’s not enough time, it’s very common that my work is stretched to weekends. Since I enjoy my work a lot, the line between work and fun is blurred, however, sometimes it’s a challenge for the family.

4. What is the best thing that’s happened in your venture so far?

Our customer’s love is the best thing that has happened to us. The fact that they no longer must choose between products that are natural and products with ingredients that actually work. This is probably the reason that we have an astounding customer retention rate!

5. What advice would you give to another person wanting to start their own company?

Starting and growing a company is a big commitment so it should be something you love doing and feel excited about.

The ‘Why’ behind what you’re doing should be crystal clear because that’s what motivates you to keep learning and growing. Keep customers at the core of your brand and everything else will fall into place.

6. How does your culture/background influence your work?

Coming from an Indian background, purity of ingredients and avoiding unwanted chemicals in skincare is at the basis of Pure & Cimple.

I am fortunate enough to have lived in many countries and that has helped me to learn a lot of soft skills, patience and respect for different cultures and religions.

Not to mention, it has helped me to come across different types of skin textures and challenges created because of weather or genetics.

7. How do you unwind and relax after a busy day?

A good meal with family, followed by half an hour of Netflix is a good stress buster for me. I end my day with a 20-minute meditation lying on my bed just before sleep. This routine clears my head and helps me put everything in perspective.

8. What’s your favourite self-care hack?

Morning exercise in my backyard (as short as 15 minutes) and 20 minutes of meditation to start my day.

9. Cardio, yoga or strength training?

Yoga and nature walks.

10. How do you want people to remember you?

A person with an infectious passion to make a positive impact in people’s lives. An authentic, trustworthy person.

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