How to Stay Self-Disciplined


Discover how to master self-discipline with practical tips and personal insights, all while nurturing a growing family and a flourishing career.

Self-discipline isn’t just about sticking to a schedule or ticking off tasks— it’s a deeper, more intimate dance with my motivations, emotions, and the ever-persistent ticking of the clock, especially now, with a 7-month-old baby lighting up my world and a business demanding my constant attention.

When I started my journey with See Girl Work, it felt like stepping into a river that steadily grew into a current of opportunities.

This wasn’t just about managing time or tasks but about nurturing something I loved, something that in turn, helped my business bloom in ways I had never anticipated.

It connected me with people, events, brands, and experiences that enriched not just my professional life but my personal life as well.

As the cycle of creativity and opportunity spun faster, I found myself in a whirlwind of growth and excitement.

It was exhilarating to see my efforts bear fruit, to watch as each blog post drew more eyes, and each connection opened a new door.

This was motivation in its purest form, driving me to keep pushing, keep creating, and keep exploring new horizons.

Yet, as the demands of my business grew, so did the challenge of maintaining that initial drive.

The reality of running a business while pouring into my platform became a balancing act of priorities.

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines self-discipline as the ability to make yourself do things you know you should do, even when you don’t want to.

For me, it wasn’t about a lack of desire to blog; it was about finding myself at the end of the day, physically and mentally drained, struggling to find that spark of creativity I so dearly cherished.

Maintaining the delicate balance between growing by agency business and running my blog, requires a steadfast commitment to self-discipline, even more so now as a mom.

The beauty and chaos of motherhood have only deepened my understanding of what it means to stay disciplined, not just in work, but in life.

Here’s how I’m recommitting to that journey, with a fresh perspective and renewed vigour:

Rediscovering My Why: It’s easy to get lost in the hustle, but remembering why I started this journey refocuses my energy and rekindles my passion.

Whether it’s the joy of creation, the thrill of connection, or the fulfillment of growth, my “why” is the beacon that guides me through the fog of exhaustion and doubt.

Goal Setting with Intent: Goals are not just items on a checklist; they are milestones on the path to fulfilling my dreams.

By setting clear, actionable goals, I create a roadmap for my daily efforts, ensuring that each step is meaningful and directed towards a larger vision.

Embracing Organization as a Lifeline: In the whirlwind of motherhood and entrepreneurship, being organized is my anchor. It’s not just about tidying spaces but about creating a serene mental landscape where creativity and productivity can flourish.

Mastering Time Management: Time, once spent, is gone forever. As a mom and a business owner, I’ve learned to wield my time like a precious resource, allocating it with intention and care to the aspects of my life that matter most.

Navigating Emotional Tides: Emotions can be powerful allies or formidable adversaries.

Through mindfulness and meditation, I’ve learned to observe my emotional landscape without getting swept away, allowing me to stay focused and resilient in the face of challenges.

Seeking Inspiration in the Everyday: Inspiration is the fuel for creativity. I find it in the quiet moments, in the beauty of the world around me, and in the joy of my daughter’s laughter.

It’s in these moments that I refill my motivational reserves, ready to face the challenges of my dual journey with a renewed spirit.

Cultivating Gratitude as a Practice: Gratitude is the lens through which I choose to view my life. It transforms my perspective, turning obstacles into opportunities and reminding me of the abundance that surrounds me.

This practice of thankfulness is a powerful tool for maintaining focus and motivation, even on the hardest days.

Self-discipline, then, is more than just a strategy for productivity; it’s a way of life.

It’s about controlling your impulses, yes, but it’s also about nurturing your dreams, caring for your well-being, and making the most of every moment.

With each step, I’m learning, growing, and moving closer to my goals, fuelled by a deep-seated commitment to my craft, my family, and myself.


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