How to be the Face of Your Brand and Your Business

Being the face of your brand can be incredibly intimidating for most. The good news is, it’s not as scary as you think. You can retrain your brain and become confident with being the face of your brand.

Being the face of your brand can be incredibly intimidating for most. It requires you to put yourself on the line, in a very vulnerable position and open yourself up to being to be judged by all.

The good news is, it’s not as scary as you think and with some simple but strategic steps, you can easily retrain your brain and be completely comfortable with being the face of your brand and what you have to offer.

It’s very easy when you’re starting out to feel uncomfortable about putting yourself out there especially since when you’re first starting out because you’re not really sure what on earth you’re doing, but the worry about putting yourself out there soon becomes a thing of the past.

It’s just one of those things that you’ve got to be in it to win it and the benefits of being the face of your brand are pretty amazing.

Below are four tips to help you get on track to being the face of your brand:

People are Actually Nice

Believe it or not, most people are actually nice and not here to judge or criticize. In fact, you’ll find there’s a sea of people who are in the same position as you or have walked in your shoes and like you, they’re out there to support their fellow girlbosses too.

Of course, there are some nasty people out there but, for the better part, there are some really incredible people out there too who are waiting to meet, connect and collaborate with you!

The more you put yourself out there, the more doors you open. That means more sales because people can find you, new friendships because you decided to come out of your shell and more confidence with the amazing gift you have to offer the world.

Take Small Steps to Get Comfortable

This is one of the most important things you need to do in order to make progress with putting yourself out there. You can’t expect to go from zero to a hundred, it takes small, consistent and strategic steps. Yes, it’s going to freak you out putting yourself out there in full force.

Be kind to yourself, start with small steps, ask yourself what you can do today, that would only make you slightly uncomfortable.

It might look like posting one selfie and seeing how that sits with you or voicing your opinion in a Facebook group (even if you feel really shy about it). All these small steps, contribute to gaining confidence and owning who you are and the business you’re in.

You Don’t Need to be Perfect Right Now, Your Business will Evolve

Take comfort in knowing that your brand will evolve, you don’t have to get it right, right now. We all have to start somewhere and there’s not one entrepreneur you speak to that was completely happy with how their brand looked when they were first starting out.

Each step you take, gives you more clarity towards who and what your brand is about, so take comfort knowing that this is a journey and you’ll gain more confidence and clarity as you evolve.

BUT, you’ll never get to that point if you don’t make a move so take a leap of faith and just say yes to being vulnerable, yes to the unknown and yes to the exciting future the world has in store for you.

What About Personal Appearances?

Remember that feeling when you’re heading out for the night, you’ve just bought a new outfit you’re in love with and you feel like a million dollars?

That feeling is how you should feel about the content you’re putting out there. Because if the photos that you’re posting of yourself are below average or you’re not proud of them, then that’s exactly the kind of energy and message you’ll be sending out.

Many people hesitate on the expense but it’s well worth it. Invest in your branding and professional shots because it’s worth every penny. Investing into something which you want to do for the rest of your life makes sense right?

If you can’t afford it, then think outside the box as to how you can get your professional photos. Swap services or save for it, if you make it a priority you will find a way. And if you love your branding and photos, you’ll have extra confidence to back your work up.

Avoid the Comparison Game

The deadly comparison game is something we’ve all fallen victim to. It’s deflating and demotivating and creates confusion, sending you into a real downward spiral. Instead, remind yourself that this is your unique journey, not one person can do it exactly the same and that we’re all at different stages.

Also, remember that appearances can be deceiving and what you see isn’t a true representation of their business or the ups and downs and challenges they face either.

There is no right or wrong so avoid looking to others and comparing, because you’re only setting yourself up to fail.

Focus on your journey and objectives, because no one will do it the way you do.


This post originally appeared on It’s the Now




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  1. Loads of really great tips here. It’s so important to invest in and support your brand.

  2. Lot of great tips are there in this post.These days I am planning to launch my new business.But I am little scared too about its future.These tips are really helpful for me and encouraged me.
    – Amila

    1. I’m glad the post was helpful. It’s always a little scary in the beginning, but always stay focused on your goals. Good luck with your new business. I’m sure it’ll all work out and you’ll rock it out of the park. 🙂

  3. Nice tips. You keep them simple and manageable to follow. Its always nice when others step up to offer suggestions and acknowledge that everyone has to start somewhere.

  4. I so agree with you that there is no right and wrong! Brand value is an integral part of any business and one should be confident enough to represent their brand without worrying about the future or failure!

  5. Great tips. You’ll never be fully comfortable with anything that you do right away. Practice does make perfect and it’s no exception here.

    1. @danasiafantastic:disqus right?! Me too! I’m in the same boat. If you look at our Instagram profile, I can count with two fingers the number of photos of me on there. LOL! I’m still getting used to it too. Baby steps though 🙂

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