How to Deal with Growing Apart from Friends

growing apart from friends

Learn how to navigate the emotional challenges of growing apart from friends and discover ways to embrace new beginnings.

So you’ve moved to a new city, had a baby and bought a house. You’ve left your entire community behind. All your girlfriends since high school, that one go-anywhere mate that used to, well, go anywhere, and your long time “Taco Tuesday” bestie.

Now, what?

Friendships, much like any other relationship, evolve over time. While some friendships withstand the test of time, others may drift apart, leaving us feeling nostalgic or even heartbroken.

Growing apart from friends is a natural part of life, but it can be challenging to navigate. Understanding why it happens and how to cope can help ease the transition.

Understanding the Reasons

The Ease of Childhood Friendships

When you’re in school, making friends feels almost effortless. It’s like whoever sits next to you at lunch in 3rd grade becomes your best friend for the next 20 years.

Shared experiences, close proximity, and the simple joys of childhood forge strong bonds that seem unbreakable. The school environment provides a built-in social network where friendships form naturally and easily.

The Complexity of Adult Life

As a working adult, especially if you move to a new city for work, get married, or have kids, making and maintaining friendships becomes increasingly challenging. The demands of work, family responsibilities, and personal commitments often take precedence, leaving little time for socializing.

Even with “friendship” apps like Bumble, creating genuine connections that are non-sexual can be difficult. The spontaneity and ease of childhood friendships give way to the complexities of adult life, where forming new bonds requires more effort and intention.

Coping with Growing Apart
  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings It’s important to recognize and validate your emotions. Feeling sad, nostalgic, or even relieved is normal when friendships change. Allow yourself to process these feelings without judgment.
  2. Communicate Openly If you feel comfortable, have an honest conversation with your friend. Expressing your feelings and understanding their perspective can provide closure or even rekindle the connection in a new form.
  3. Focus on Quality Over Quantity As friendships evolve, it’s beneficial to invest in relationships that are fulfilling and supportive. Focus on nurturing connections that bring positivity and growth into your life.
  4. Create New Connections Embrace the opportunity to meet new people who share your current interests and values. Join clubs, take classes, or engage in community activities to build fresh, meaningful relationships.
  5. Practice Self-Care Growing apart from friends can be emotionally taxing. Prioritize self-care by engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This will help you maintain emotional balance and resilience.
Finding Peace in Change

Growing apart from friends doesn’t have to be a negative experience. It’s a natural part of personal evolution and can lead to new and enriching relationships.

Embrace the change with an open heart and mind, and remember that every friendship, whether it lasts a lifetime or a season, contributes to your personal growth and journey.


Navigating the emotional landscape of growing apart from friends can be challenging, but it also offers an opportunity for self-discovery and new connections.

By understanding the reasons behind the drift and employing strategies to cope, you can find peace and positivity in the changes. Remember, every end is a new beginning, and the journey of friendships is a beautiful part of life’s tapestry.

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