Must-Do’s To Help You Slay Your New Job

slay your new job

You want to make a good impression, but of course all the unknowns make you nervous. Fear not. We’ve rounded-up a few tips to help you slay your new job.

After acing the interview and accepting the offer, you’re finally at day one of your new job! You get to meet your new colleagues, explore the workspace, and learn more about your new role and responsibilities. It can be overwhelming!

While you’re going to be busy, remember that there are things you should do on your first day of work to make a good impression.

Introduce Yourself

The first day is your time to shine. But since you might be overwhelmed with new faces, names, tasks and company policies, it’s a good idea to come up with a brief introduction of yourself to fall back on.

Do some research on how to introduce yourself to your colleagues. Include your previous work experience and spare the personal details. You want to give the best description of yourself without overselling it.

Slay Them With a Smile

Many of us have high hopes for humanity, but the reality is that almost always we end up working with jerks. You can’t wall yourself off from all of your coworkers, but playing office politics is never a good idea.

From your first day on the new job and onwards use your smile as a shield from all the office drama.

Turn confidence into a weapon when dealing with negativity in the workplace. Acknowledge what your coworkers are interested in or talking about, but when it comes to office gossip try to steer clear.

Queen Bey once said: “My persuasion can build a nation,” and she was absolutely right. You can move mountains if you put your mind to it.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The key is to smile, and politely repeat what Nicki told us: “Now it’s me in my time, it’s just me in my prime.”

Pour Your Heart in Your Work

Being constantly alert and present in every situation is a great way to show commitment and dedication. Your boss will surely appreciate your enthusiasm and readiness to jump straight to work.

The key here is to bring the right motivation to work. Motivation is contagious, and others will soon follow suit when they see that you’re always passionate about your work.

Be a Problem-Solver

Depending on your new company role, you might want to start head-on by identifying key pain points and drafting a plan to solve them.

Demonstrating effective problem-solving in the workplace will show the initiative and ownership many managers are looking for. But of course, this isn’t applicable to all situations, so be mindful and use your intuition to assess the work environment and whether your new boss is open to such technology.

Be the Key Player

Make yourself indispensable at work by keeping track of any useful or groundbreaking innovations in your industry. Believe me, I know from experience how this can be positively received from your boss, as you appear as a proactive self-starter in their eyes.

Be bold and don’t be afraid to speak up—given that you have done the required research and have a solid foundation to stand on, of course.

Dress to Slay

I want to tell you that looks don’t matter. But the truth that we all know is that we are judged by how we look and how we dress while we’re at work.

While you don’t want to overdo it, to make that lasting first impression it’s worth wearing that tailored dress or suit, or that ensemble that you know looks great. Not only will it give others a good first impression, but it will also help you feel more confident and professional.

Contribute to the Team Culture

Do not shy away from accepting social invitations and contributing to the team culture in your own unique way.

Mid-day lunch runs or casual after-hour meetups can be a great way to get to know your work colleagues better and further develop effective working relationships. But be mindful of office politics and stay away from non-productive or non-supportive gossip or actions.

How to Slay Your New Job

Cast aside your fears and bring your A-game. A new job doesn’t have to be intimidating unless you allow it to be. Self-discipline and self-awareness are your best allies anywhere you go.

This blog post was written by Irma Stefanova, Fashion Blogger at
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