10 Netflix Shows Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

10 Netflix Shows Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

Take a peek inside the world of startups and entrepreneurship with our picks of inspiring Netflix shows every entrepreneur should watch.

If you’re not much of a reader, yet want to take a peek inside the world of startups and entrepreneurship—there are a bunch of inspiring Netflix shows every entrepreneur should watch.

These shows will give you insights into how to turn your idea into the next big thing and provide invaluable lessons on how to avoid some common mistakes in your journey.

Are you ready to awaken your entrepreneurial spirit? Here is a list of some of the best Netflix shows we recommend for entrepreneurs:

1. Knock Down the House

2. Brené Brown: The Call to Courage

3. Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce

4.  FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

5. Gaga: Five Foot Two

6. Girl Boss

7. Workin’ Moms

8. Hip-Hop Revolution

9. Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru

10. Breaking Bad

1. Knock Down the House

Knock Down the House digs into four progressive candidates running for Congress in the 2018 American midterm elections.

Candidates Amy Vilela in Nevada, Cori Bush in Missouri, Paula Jean Swearengin in West Virginia, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York entered the political arena not as career politicians, but as the voice of a new generation of people-first.

While male dominance in the political landscape is still prevalent in a lot of countries, this is definitely a refreshing piece to look at how these women are stepping up and ready to make some real changes.

It is a liberal, refreshing movie that worth every minute of your time. So ladies, if you’re ever given a chance to make changes and be progressive—go for it!

2. Brené Brown: The Call to Courage

If you’re one of those who find it hard to talk about your vulnerability or feel difficult to summon the courage to make decisions, this is the movie for you.

Brené Brown: The Call to Courage features bestselling author and research professor Dr. Brené Brown who delves into the topic of courage. She shares her personal experiences with confronting unpleasant emotions such as embarrassment and disappointment in life.

The key message? She believes vulnerability plays an important role in finding courage. “You can’t really be brave without vulnerability.”  At the end of the day, we’re all human beings. Don’t we all have our emotional baggage? Watch this documentary and learn how to unload yours, let your guard down and live courageously.

3. Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce

Don’t be a princess. Be a queen, like Beyoncé.

Homecoming takes us behind the curtain of our all-time superstar Beyoncé performing at Coachella 2018. Directed by Beyoncé herself, the film is a celebration of work ethics, self-acceptance, confidence and hard-earned success.

It is also a reminder to us all that the glory you see on stage takes thousands of hours of hard work and practice. If you want success, you simply can’t take hard work out of the equation.

4.  FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

A documentary about how a young entrepreneur markets and builds the hype around FYRE, the music festival a private island that proclaimed to be posh, and luxurious. Despite their successful media-savvy campaign, the team failed to deliver what they originally promised.  

This show serves as a classic cautionary tale of the danger of social media buzz, and of course the importance of every decision you make as an entrepreneur. You may not be owning a multi-million dollar business, but every decision matters.

There is a fine line between stupidity and entrepreneurship. Don’t turn your business into the next FYRE festival.

5. Gaga: Five Foot Two

Have you imagined what comes along with fame? Along with the thrills and never-ending attention, don’t forget about the collateral damages too.

The documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, captures the moments and intense preparations of Lady Gaga’s 5th studio album, Joanne, and leads into her halftime performance at Super Bowl LI.

Loaded with a lot of up-close and personal moments, the film allows the audience to connect with the pop star closely and feel her passion, vulnerabilities and insecurities.

Often being compared to Madonna, dealing with the excruciating pain from a hip injury and the breakup of her and her fiancé, Taylor Kinney—you just can’t help but wonder how Lady Gaga overcome these challenges.

6. Girl Boss

As the title suggested, the series is based on the autobiography of the girl boss, Sophia Amoruso, the CEO & Founder of Nasty Girl and one of the most inspiring female entrepreneurs of our time.

Sophia started Nasty Girl when she was only 22 years old, reselling thrift clothing and turned it into a multi-million-dollar business.

However, her road to success was a rather bumpy ride. Despite being abruptly cancelled after only one season, this is still on our must -watch list. Girlboss reveals the struggles and roadblocks throughout Sophia’s journey and how she overcame them.

7. Workin’ Moms

How do you juggle between breastfeeding your newborn, washing clothes, replying to emails and attending a conference call at the same time? When it comes to multitasking, there is only one creature on planet earth that does it like a pro: Working moms.

Workin’ Moms depicts a group of friends coping with the challenges of being working mothers and how to nail the difficult situations they’re faced with in workplace. Who says you can’t have it all?

8. Hip-Hop Revolution

Since the birth of the Hip-hop era, there is almost an intricate relationship between hip-hop and entrepreneurship. It’s all about “keeping it real” and hustling day and night.

Hip-Hop Revolution is an original Netflix music documentary series that takes viewers inside the hip-hop industry from day one. The show consists of four episodes, each packed with the architects and legends of the industry telling their stories.

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants a behind-the-scene glimpse and raw hustle, real grit and determined grind, this show is for you!

9. Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru

Are you at a stage where you need someone to give you a nudge? Perhaps Tony Robbins could help. Watch the famed motivational speaker’s documentary, I am Not Your Guru, featuring a six-day seminar that 2,500 people paid about $5,000 to attend.

With a mix of self-improvement sessions and interviews, Tony unpacks the emotional baggage and insecurities of those in attendance. Be ready—some encounters are vulgarity-packed and could be tough for some people.

Nonetheless, Tony Robbins takes motivational speaking to the next level. Who’d have known it could be so intense and dynamic?

10. Breaking Bad

Interestingly, there are some invaluable entrepreneurial lessons you can learn from a high school chemistry teacher turned drug lord (what?).

Following the main protagonist’s dynamic character and his shift from being a high school teacher, loving father to a fearless drug lord, Breaking Bad is one of our favourite Netflix shows every entrepreneur should watch.

The true lesson from this show lies within the power a burning desire, and the how destructive it could be. When you want something bad enough, the universe seems to have a way to align everything to help you achieve it.

Needless to say, Walter’s “startup” isn’t how exactly the perfect example we’re looking for, but the show does provide some insights on how to overcome circumferential challenges when you put your mind to a mission.


TV Shows and documentaries are great ways to tell a story, and certainly an entertaining medium to capture your attention.

If you’re ever in need for an inspiration booster, pop in one of these Netflix shows every entrepreneur should watch and you might begin to feel the determination and creative juices flushing back into your veins.

The bottom line is to remember actions speak louder than thoughts. Don’t forget to get up off the couch and start hustling.

Do you have a favourite Netflix show about motivation and entrepreneurship? Let us know in the comment below!

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