Do’s and Don’ts of Putting Your Blog on Your Resume

blog on your resume

Including your blog on your resume can showcase your digital marketing, content marketing and e-commerce skills to recruiters and prospective employers.

Blogging takes so much ingenuity, dedication, creativity and technical knowledge. Not to mention photography, design and copywriting.

Even if you didn’t start off knowing everything it takes to publish a successful blog, the process of growing a blog transforms you into a bonafide publisher, writer, editor, photographer, designer, developer, community-builder, brand strategist, social media manager and all around business.

With all these skills under your belt, it makes sense to want to put your blog on your resume.

If you’re in a creative field, including your blog on your resume can showcase your advanced knowledge of Adobe software, WordPress CMS, social media platforms, content writing best practices and camera equipment.

These are digital marketing, content marketing and e-commerce skills that are transferable across industries and can easily attract the attention of recruiters and prospective employers.

However, there are definitely do’s and don’t of putting your blog on your resume. It’s important to make sure that adding your blog to your resume makes sense for the type of career you’re pursuing.

Publishing a fashion blog—no matter how gorgeous it is—won’t make sense if your resume is focused on getting you an interview for a nursing position. Having a foodie blog won’t work for you if your resume lists you as a bad-ass engineer.

The purpose of a resume is to provide a summary of your skills, abilities and accomplishments with the intent of securing you the job interview.

A resume is not an autobiography that details every little nuance of your life, so if your blog is unrelated to your career (and by definition most hobbies or side-projects are unrelated to our day jobs), it’s probably a better decision to leave it off your resume.

But if you’re confident that your blog fits in with your career and can support your job search, then go for it. Just please keep these tips in mind when putting your blog on your resume.

The Do’s of Putting Your Blog on Your Resume

DO put your blog on your resume if it’s related to the industry you’re pursuing  for a job interview.

For example, for a job opening in marketing—putting your blog on your resume makes sense if it will demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in digital marketing software, illustrate your presentation, writing and research skills, and showcase your understanding of social media and SEO.

DO put your blog on your resume if the overall presentation of your blog is professional. This means having well-written and well-researched content, high resolution photography and an aesthetically attractive blog theme.

Cross-check your social media platforms as well to ensure both your blog and your social media align cohesively. Click here to explore new blog themes and social media templates.

DO make your resume look attractive. These days there are so many creative ways to enhance the look and aesthetic of your resume.

Especially if you’re in a creative field such a public relations, communications, marketing, digital, writing, photography, etc.

DO put your blog on your resume in the “hobbies and interests” section, below your professional work experience.

List a summary of what your blog is about (again it should relate back to the job and industry you’re going for) as well as, all the responsibilities that you manage as a blogger.

Bullet points you could add to your resume include: Writing branded content, implementing keyword research and SEO, managing WordPress website, using InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, managing social media content, tracking Google Analytics.

You can also add your blog stats and KPI’s including your blog traffic, email subscriber list and social media followers. This is great for showing community building and that you understand how to build an audience online.

Once a prospective employer views your actual work history and educational credentials, seeing all the extra skills you’ve acquired outside of your day job will seal the deal for the job interview.

The Don’ts of Putting Your Blog on Your Resume

DON’T add your blog to your resume if it has nothing to do with the job you are going for. If you’re going for a job in banking, do not add your fashion and beauty blog to your resume.

If you’re going for a job in real estate—do not add your food blog to your resume. If you have a personal blog that purely features pictures of coffee, flowers, outfits, motivational quotes and music videos that you enjoy—do not add your blog to your resume.

If you do decide to add your blog on your resume, don’t forget the whole reason you’re adding it is to show your strengths and prove your skills and qualifications as it relates back to the job that you’re going for.

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