10 Questions with Reetu Gupta, Philanthropist, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer

Reetu Gupta

In Reetu Gupta’s breakthrough new book, she shares with readers the importance of taking time for silent meditation and conversation with the Divine Universe.

Reetu Gupta is a speaker, advocate, philanthropist, and Ambassador of The Gupta Group, where she focuses on creating impact and opportunity. She is also the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Rogue Insight Capital Ltd, the private venture capital arm of The Gupta Group which focuses on investing in women-led Canadian start-ups.

In 2020, Reetu re-launched The Gupta Family Foundation where she serves as President and Co-Chair. In this role, she provides long-term solutions to global issues. She is also the founder and President of The Shakti Society which provides complimentary meditation classes to empower all individuals with courage and to instill a strong sense of confidence.

Needless to say, Reeta is busy! It’s a wonder she found the time to write “Auspicious: Embracing the Path Toward Courage, Conviction, and Confidence” where she shares her decades of experience, affirmational habits, and messages of gratitude as a guide for those looking for inspirational, professional and spiritual direction.

“Whether it’s through my business ventures, philanthropy, or mentoring, I want to be remembered as someone who inspired courage, conviction, and confidence in others.”

Please enjoy 10 Questions with Reetu Gupta, Speaker, Advocate, Philanthropist, Ambassador of The Gupta Group, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Rogue Insight Capital Ltd, and Founder of The Shakti Society.

1. What is your business about?

The Shakti Society is an organization whose goal is to spread confidence and empower people through internal happiness. It holds meditation classes each month which are free of charge. The classes begin with a talk on meditation and then goes through a peaceful, guided meditation. It is great for beginners and those who do their own meditation! Becoming a member is completely complimentary, as Reetu feels it is her duty to spread this sense of spirituality.

2. What motivated you to start your business?

The Shakti Society was born out of my passion for empowering individuals. I believe in the transformative power of meditation and I wanted to create a space where people could access tools for personal growth and empowerment. The society aims to instill courage and confidence in all individuals through complimentary monthly meditation classes.

3. What’s the biggest thing you struggle with as a founder?

One of the biggest challenges I face as a founder is navigating the ever-changing landscape of the business world. The hotel industry, in particular, has its unique set of challenges, and adapting to unforeseen circumstances, like those presented by the pandemic, requires constant flexibility and innovation.

4. What is the best thing that’s happened in your venture so far?

The best moments in my venture are the ones where our team experiences genuine happiness and fulfillment. When a former team member reaches out, expressing a desire to return because they see our workplace as “home,” that’s a true testament to the positive work environment we’ve cultivated.

5. What advice would you give to another person wanting to start their own company?

Discipline, patience, and perseverance are key. Stay focused on your goals, be disciplined in your approach, and don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary. Also, surround yourself with a supportive team, and prioritize the happiness of your teams—they are the backbone of any successful venture.

6. How does your culture/background influence your work?

My background learning hospitality from the family business and working in every role I could from a young age has instilled in me a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives and the importance of creating inclusive spaces. Learning from my family from a young age and then taking what I’ve learned and applying it to the world has been such a blessing!

Auspicious Book
Auspicious: Embracing the Path Toward Courage, Conviction, and Confidence available on Amazon
7. How do you unwind and relax after a busy day?

In the unpredictable world of hotels, every day is unique. But regardless of the day’s challenges, I make it a constant to start my day with morning meditation. It helps me center myself and approach each day with a clear mind.

8. What’s your favourite self-care hack?

My favourite self-care hack is undoubtedly meditation. It’s a powerful tool for maintaining mental clarity and emotional balance. Taking time each day to meditate allows me to recharge and face the demands of the business with a positive mindset.

9. Cardio, yoga or strength training?

Given the dynamic nature of my days, I find my happiness and balance with yoga, which gives me the freedom, flexibility, and foundation that I need!

10. How do you want people to remember you?

I hope people remember me as someone who led with love and empowerment. Whether it’s through my business ventures, philanthropy, or mentoring, I want to be remembered as someone who inspired courage, conviction, and confidence in others.

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