6 Ways to Re-purpose Your Blog Content

Re-purpose Your Blog Content

Re-purpose your blog content to create email campaigns, videos, webinars, e-books or infographics.

Blogging and publishing content is an essential part of marketing your business. In addition to being a marketing tool, your content supports your business as a platform for customer service, it’s a part of your brand experience and your content is also the top half of your inbound marketing and sales funnel.

Needless to say, having a blog is crucial for your business.

However, coming up with new ideas to post about every single week may become daunting. Even if you enjoy the process, you may have clients, a huge workload, and other products and tasks that take up your time and mental capacity.

But you know you still have to get something out. If only to keep your social media channels active with content.

Knowing it’s not good SEO practice to post poor quality content — meaning don’t just spit out 500 words just for the sake of it — there are several ways you can re-purpose your existing content to create something new.

1. Infographics

Take an existing blog post and turn it into an infogrpahic. People love looking at infographics, starring at them and sharing them.

Data visualization is an effective method of quickly illustrating complex processes, data and information and patterns. Infographics have an emotional power because they can show you an idea, or a relationship, or how something works very quickly.

Use an online platform like Visme to easily create an infographic and post it to your blog as a new post.

2. E-Books

Take an existing blog post and turn it into an e-book. If you’ve previously crafted a really in-depth and well-researched blog post, why not package it up as an e-book that your readers and clients can download.

Not only can you sync this with your email strategy and increase your mailing lists, but creating an e-book can also transform you from blogger to thought-leader.

You can use Visme to create your e-book. Add a cover page and perhaps add a few more images for illustration purposes to create an e-book that can become new content to market your business.

3. Webinars

Re-purpose existing blog content by turning it into a webinar. This is something new that I’m trying myself for See Girl Work.

The main idea here is to take an older blog post and use it as the foundation for a webinar. You can put it in a presentation deck using Visme and guide your audience through your blog topic.

Remember — different people take in information differently. Some of your audience may appreciate a webinar over a wordy blog post.

By hosting a webinar you can maintain close communications with clients, further demonstrate your expertise and authority within your niche, promote your products, services or events, and build up additional contacts.

There are several websites that can walk you through how to set up a webinar.  Consider re-purposing your old blog content into a webinar.

4. Facebook/Instagram Live

Live streaming videos are a great way to connect with your audience. Whether your business provides products, services or consultation, live videos can be an effective way to communicate directly with those that your business caters to.

Along the same line as a webinar — you can use an old blog post as speaking notes to host a Facebook Live or Instagram Live event.

Integrating Facebook Live or Instagram Live into your marketing strategy is an effective and low-cost way to connect with your audience, build authority, build trust, re-purpose old content and showcase your brand personality.

5. LinkedIn SlideShare

SlideShare has over 60 million unique visitors a month, generating over 215 million page views. With that kind of traffic, it’s worth it to re-purpose your old blog post into a well-designed and useful LinkedIn SlideShare.

People learn best when they can see what they’re supposed to be doing. Slides make it easy for viewers to see how to complete steps, go at their own pace and jump back and forth as needed.

Again, you can use Visme to create a SlideShare that you can share as new content for your blog and social feeds. You can even email it directly to your clients.

6. Email Marketing

Consider re-purposing your blog post into a series of emails — part of your email marketing stream.

Break-up your blog post into three or four emails that you can send out to your list over a couple of weeks. Even without publishing to your blog directly, you can still generate traffic through the clicks that come from your email marketing.

Utilizing automated email marketing and drip campaigns can increase your traffic. You can re-purpose an older blog post into an automated drip email campaign that will position you as being helpful to your subscribers with useful content.

Final Thoughts

Publishing interesting and valuable content for your business on a consistent weekly basis is no small feat. Particularly if you’re blogging in addition to servicing clients or developing new products.

But by simply re-purposing older, already existing blog posts to create new content, you can keep your readers happy, your social channels active and search engines happy with new, quality content.

Not to mention, you will keep yourself happy by not having to slump over your laptop trying to come up with new ideas to post each and every week.




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