11 Business Productivity Tools That I Use Every Day

business productivity tools

Optimize your workflow with these Business Productivity Tools! Discover streamlined solutions for managing tasks, projects, and teams.

Even before I legit started my blogging business, I knew it would take a few business productivity tools to not only get it up and running but to keep it operating efficiently.

When you are working in a corporate office setting — there are probably already systems in place before you even got there.

But when you’re establishing your own solo business and working from home, it’s easy to forget that creating systems is now your sole responsibility along with everything else.

When you’re establishing yourself as a business owner, whether you’re doing it solo or not, attention to every little detail is paramount.

From the look of my invoices to my social media posts and from my client onboarding to my blog, these are the business productivity tools that I use every day.

11 Business Productivity Tools That I Use Every Day

1. Google Calendar keeps my schedule organized. Between coffee dates, client reviews, phone interviews, Skype meetings and networking events, it’s hard to keep it all straight in my head without having an online tool that keeps it all in sync.

As soon as I confirm a meeting, event or interview via email — I turn that email into an event that plugs into the calendar. I set notification reminders a month, a week, a day or an hour in advance. It’s that simple!

2. Google Drive is for keeping my files organized. Especially because I stock up on a lot of images, graphics and logos that I want to use either on our social feeds or on the blogs. For my clients, I advise them to upload and send me their creative assets either via a Google Drive link.

3. Trello is my go-to for productivity because it offers an intuitive, visual interface that makes managing tasks seamless. I can customize boards, lists, and cards to organize projects efficiently, while features like due dates, checklists, and labels help me track progress and prioritize tasks.

Trello’s collaborative tools make it easy to work with my team, share updates in real-time, and streamline communication. The flexibility and simplicity of Trello enhance my workflow, making it an essential tool for staying organized and productive.

4. HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of tools that streamline my marketing, sales, and customer service efforts. I can effortlessly integrate HubSpot with forms on my website, allowing me to capture leads and manage contacts efficiently.

Its marketing automation features help me create and distribute newsletters, track performance, and nurture leads effectively.

The integrated CRM lets me track interactions and maintain strong relationships with my audience. Additionally, the chat feature on our website helps me engage with visitors in real-time, providing instant support and enhancing customer satisfaction.

With HubSpot, everything is organized in one place, making my business operations smoother and more productive.

5. QuickBooks simplifies my financial management. With its intuitive interface, I can easily track expenses, send invoices, and manage payroll all in one place. The real-time financial reporting helps me stay on top of my business’s financial health, and the seamless integration with my bank accounts ensures accuracy.

QuickBooks also offers useful tools for budgeting and tax preparation, saving me time and reducing stress. It’s an indispensable tool that keeps my finances organized and my business running smoothly.

6. Paypal is an easy and trusted online business tool that allows me to receive payments and pay out invoices. I link it to my QuickBooks account to receive payments from clients and I link it to my Eventbrite account so that attendees can easily pay for the events and workshops that I facilitate.

small business productivity tools

7. Canva is the online image tool that I use just about every day. It’s kind of a “cheat” for days I don’t feel like running Photoshop CC. But it does the trick at no extra cost. Canva has all the social media size templates so  I do most of my social media image re-sizing using this platform. I also like having all my brand colours and font styles easily accessible as well.

8. Buffer streamlines my social media management. Its allows me to schedule posts across multiple platforms in advance, ensuring a consistent and timely presence.

Additionally, the team collaboration features allow seamless coordination with my colleagues. With Buffer, I can efficiently manage my social media efforts, saving time and maintaining a cohesive online presence.

9. Planoly simplifies our social media planning and scheduling. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows me to visually plan and organize my Instagram feed, ensuring a cohesive and attractive look.

I can schedule posts in advance, which saves me time and helps maintain a consistent posting schedule. Planoly’s analytics provide insights into engagement and performance, helping me refine our content strategy.

Planoly is an essential tool that keeps my social media efforts organized and effective.

10. Google Meet seamlessly integrates with both HubSpot and Google Calendar, enhancing productivity and collaboration. In HubSpot, I can schedule and manage Google Meet meetings directly within the CRM, making it easy to connect with clients or team members.

The integration ensures all meeting details and participant information are centralized, streamlining communication and follow-ups.

With Google Calendar integration, scheduling meetings becomes effortless. I can create Google Meet links directly from calendar events, allowing participants to join with a single click.

This integration simplifies the process of organizing and attending meetings, ensuring everyone stays on schedule and productive.

Overall, the combined capabilities of Google Meet with HubSpot and Google Calendar optimize my workflow and enhance communication efficiency.

11. ChatGPT is the newest addition to my business productivity toolbox. Whether I need help drafting emails, generating content ideas, or answering complex questions, ChatGPT provides quick and accurate responses. It helps me brainstorm, edit, and refine my writing, saving me time and effort.

The ability to engage in natural conversations makes it easy to clarify doubts and explore new topics. With ChatGPT, I have a reliable tool that enhances my productivity by providing valuable insights and assistance whenever I need it.

What Business Tools Can’t You Live Without?

These are the 11 business productivity tools that I can’t live out. My business will be different from yours, so perhaps your list looks a lot different.

But I’d love to know, what business tools can’t you live without?

Updated July 6, 2024



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