10 Questions with Rose Adkins Hulse, CEO, ScreenHits TV

Rose Adkins Hulse

Having worked for some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, Rose Adkins Hulse has now launched ScreenHits TV.

Rose Adkins Hulse has spent the last ten years building brands and businesses in the areas of global entertainment and distribution in both traditional and digital formats.

Having worked for such notable organizations as The Hollywood Reporter, NBC Universal and The Sundance Institute, Rose has now launched ScreenHits TV, a free intuitive super content aggregator that allows subscribers to manage their favourite streaming subscriptions, AVOD and live channels.

ScreenHits TV helps streamline the viewing experience in both an easy-to-use tablet app, desktop version and soon smart TVs. Viewers can curate their channels and subscriptions, only paying for channels they actually want to watch instead of paying monthly for channels they never watch.

Finally — what we’ve all been waiting for!

“As more and more consumers are transitioning from traditional TV consumption to app TV, there is no better time to introduce a platform that lets consumers organize and arrange their streaming subscriptions as channels in the way they have become accustomed to.”

ScreenHits TV soft-launched in beta mode last summer via desktop and has attracted over 250,000 subscribers to date, with more than 800,000 users having initially registered their interest and growing.

Please enjoy 10 Questions with Rose Adkins Hulse, CEO, ScreenHits TV.

screenhits TV

1. What is your business about?

ScreenHits TV lets consumers integrate all their streaming apps into one, eliminating the need to flick through a number of apps to find something to watch.

2. What motivated you to start your business?

I was tired of my wings being clipped in corporate America. I wanted to see how high I could fly without anyone holding me back.

3. What’s the biggest thing you struggle with as a founder?

Accepting that things are not always fair in this world and that I will not have the same opportunities to scale as quickly as other founders, thus forcing me to work so much harder to achieve success…. but work harder I shall!

4. What is the best thing that’s happened in your venture so far?

Hiring Alex Todorut. He is now my co-founder on ScreenHits TV and the best business partner I could have ever asked for.

5. What advice would you give to another person wanting to start their own company?

Be patient with yourself. Don’t fear failure. Try to rest. And always keep your eye on the prize.

6. How does your culture/background influence your work?

The American dream is real and is instilled in every single American. This drive that I have to succeed and to be the best that I can – no matter my circumstances – has driven me to continue on when things became tough and is reflected in all that I do.

I also come from a family that always finds a way. So when things seem blocked or unattainable, I have a very strong outlook on life and know that there is always a way, I just may have to look a little harder for it.

7. How do you unwind and relax after a busy day?

I have a glass of red wine and dinner with my husband and then we open up ScreenHits TV to find something good to watch across all of our streaming apps.

8. What’s your favourite self-care hack?

Sleep, which I seem to be lacking these days. Sleep is when our body, mind and soul regenerates and it is something we can not sacrifice.

9. Cardio, yoga or strength training?

All three!

10. How do you want people to remember you?

That I made a difference in someone’s life. That I helped to encourage them to follow their path and to help inspire others to do the same.

But most importantly, I hope people will remember me as a woman who didn’t always go down the easiest or most popular path, but that the road I paved would later help others to walk down it more easily.

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